M3thaverse, A combination of Snowboarding and Art premiered in Vancouver at Fortune Night club, Thank you G-Mann for the hospitality as always!The night consisted of the world release of Thirtytwo’s Bone Crusher Featuring Austin Vizz, Toni Kerkela, Phil Hansen and Pat Fava with special snips from Zeb Powell
Ending with a Dino’s board toss mayhem and a live performance from M3th himself! (kai)Kai Ujejski and Troy Erickson set out on a mission last season chasing snow to create what we know to be the first Crypto funded snowboard movie.Whilst both residing in Vancouver they set off closer to the interior and ended up spending a fair amount of time exploring Calgary’s endless street spots. With the backing from @GnarsDao in the form of 6 Ethereum released the “No Budget” which many of us meet when trying to get funding for trips.With Kai’s creative snowboarding and his own curated music as soundtrack, mixed with Troys incredible artwork and editing skills with his motion graphics this made watching M3thaverse such an interesting and different approach to snowboard edits we have ever seen.
World release Thursday 9am PST.