The Culture show returns to the coastal mountains of Vancouver. ECS (Evan Chandler-Soanes) as always brings the gathering to the peak, overlooking Vancouver’s North Shore with the ECS Invitational.

When a QP is built by the legendary Ben Bilocq, you already know its going down and this year didn’t disappoint again. Whilst the conditions were not the greatest, wet snow landing over Nic Heringa’s make-shift camp spot made for a cold start but the QP was looking fresh and the stoke was high!

Recap photos: Mike Rutter

Top to bottom left to right:
Finn Firestone & Jadyn Chomlack, Colin D Watt, Ben Bilocq, Finn Westbury, Sascha Daley, Nic Heringa, Jadyn Chomlack, Finn Firestone, Liam Robinson aka Half Pipe Guy, Jack Macdougall.

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