A quick interview of Nicola Ganz for his upcoming project “Stuck”
Written by – Isami Kiyooka, photography by Emilio Bologna
“STUCK” is the newest project presented by the Rainbowoppers, consisting of Nicola Ganz, Adriano Desilvestro and filmmaker Emilio Bologna. They’ve hit spots all across Whistler during the lockdown. The group’s project is set to release in November so keep your eyes peeled for that, some heavy clips dropping then.
Isami: How long did this project take to shoot?
Nico: We started with the first spot in December, the container in rainbow that everyone knows. We basically took the whole season filming for this project, we filmed 1 or 2 spots per week when we had the chance to have time off all together. Last spot we hit was in the last week of March because Emilio was forced to leave the country due to COVID-19. After our filmer left, he got really busy with other filming jobs and we had to organize the editing between messages and calls.
Adriano Desilvestro, at containers in whistler [o] Emilio Bologna
Isami: Why did you call this project Stuck?
Nico: The original plan was to go for a trip in Quebec to film the new movie but for many reasons connected to visas, COVID restrictions and work, we had to cancel everything. We had many thoughts on what to do and in the end we decided to stay in Whistler and try to do our best. We called it “Stuck” exactly for the reason that we were unable to do our normal travel!
Isami: Biggest battle in the film, and how long did it take to get the clip?
Nico: For me the biggest battle was the down rail in Alta lake. We had to bungee in the opposite direction, stop right at the top, pop on the rail and slide back down..
I set myself a trick to do and it took me many many attempts and 2 different days to get a good one. And like every spot when we used the bungee, everyone got tired pretty quick”
Isami: Any setbacks during filming?
Nico: Yes we had some setbacks during filming this movie. First of all, every time we went to hit a spot we forgot something, like SD cards, batteries, tools or whatever hahaha but this is a classic one. Then yeah, we had a short time for all the spots due to the fact that we had to organize everything between work and boarding in the park! One of the biggest ones was when we went to hit the double roofs in Alta lake. After building it for a long time we tried the spot a couple times and the municipality showed up and told us to leave. Another one was when we tried to hit a spot that we really liked. We found it in an old Sandbox video and it looked great and not crazy work to do. When we got there ready to build we realized that it was too much work due to there being hundreds of bushes to cut. We tried to start building but quickly we realized that there weren’t enough bodies to work on it and we didn’t have enough snow.
Nicola Ganz, method at kayak cabin [o] Emilio Bologna
Isami: How did the presence of covid and lockdowns affect hitting spots?
Nico: COVID and lockdowns affected our projects a lot cause we couldn’t do what we previously planned. Our first plan was to go to Quebec for a month as I previously said, but for travel restrictions , quarantines (due to some of our housemates getting COVID and we had to quarantine multiple times) and work, we couldn’t realize our plans. The worst thing was that Emilio, our filmer, had to leave the country for unrelated reasons and this made everything harder.
Isami: Favourite moment during filming?
Nico: I don’t really know what to answer for this question. We always had a good time, but if I would choose a favorite moment I’d say every time we were done with the spot we were having a beer!
Isami: Anyone you want to thank in regards to this project?
Nico: Yes we want to thank Matteo Rossato, Steve Bigeault, Fletcher Smith and Will Havenuk for supporting us and helping us out with the project
We also want to thank all our sponsors for believing in us, our families in Italy for being the greatest supporters and all our Whis homies
Check out “STUCK” presented by the rainbowoppers releasing soon on November 26th, on youtube, supported by Trinsic optics, Dope, Canary Cartel, Alone Collective and Snoho goggles.

Nicola Ganz Back blunt at whistler [o] Emilio Bologna
Adriano Desilvestro [o] Emilio Bologna