Trinsic optics launched their MGC-1 at the start of the 21 season, with two seasons under its belt now how does it perform after a season of riding? At a price point under 200$, featuring two lenses and up to date market tech.
The MGC-1 features a sleek “No frame” look with 7 magnets to hold the goggles into place. A sleek and seamless look to the goggle made for a great overall clean look. I personally got the low bridge or Asian fit version of the MGC-1, the extra bit of padding on the bottom side allowed for a snug fit, this is going to be different for everyone but personally the Asian fit MGC-1 had the best fitting frame for my face, even compared to other brands such as smith, Oakley, and spy.

The 7 magnets on the goggles are a part of their “Fast tech” lens changing system, as simple as it gets, with no clamps or locking systems, allowing for a fast way to change the lenses. I would say the “Fast tech” system is most comparable to something like the M3 by ANON optics. The fast tech system worked great to change lenses in a pinch, although the magnets as strong as they are have no additional locks to keep the lens in frame. That being said, after a season of riding I have only had the lens fall out once after countless impacts.
Trinsic features a variety of lenses on their MGC-1 goggles, from everyday, lowlight, and high light lenses, all featuring their CE contrast increasing tech. Riding the north shore the conditions can vary so much so having multiple customizable options was a great feature. I had the opportunity to test every lens in their lineup, from the sunny day ObsidianHD with 9% VLT to their QuartzHD with 86% VLT. The CE tech in each of the lenses worked absolutely well, their Obsidian and SilverHD I found myself drawn towards on bright slushy days while their GarnetHD and QuartzHD offered great performance on foggy and night riding days which we get here lots on the north shore.

Their CE Tech was a pleasant surprise to myself, from testing every other brands goggles for the past couple years from Oakleys PRIZM to Smiths Chroma pop, Trinsic holds its own with their CE Tech. On par with other brands, Trinsic has something on their hands with CE Tech comparable to PRIZM. Although, one of the biggest surprises had to be their built In antifog. Working at a snowboard shop for the past couple years, one of Smith optics selling features was their built in antifog. Trinsics goggles feature this exact tech in their lenses, having antifog as a coating no matter how well you treat the goggle will eventually wear off, however on the MGC-1 the story is different. Traditional antifog technology featured in most other companies can get wiped off if the inside of the goggle is wet, making them trapped in moisture and fogging up the lenses. On the MGC-1’s, the antifog technology is built into the lenses themselves, making them last longer and perform better.
Trinsic however a smaller and local company, the goggles performed comparable to and even better than some of the bigger names in the current market. At a price point under 199.99$, featuring two lenses with CE Tech, Fast Tech and built in antifog, the Trinsic Optics MGC-1 is an absolute game changer in a more price point friendly goggle that still performs incredible.
Check out the MGC-1 goggles on their website