Photos by Isami Kiyooka (@Lines._art)
For the past 25 years, Snowboy Productions brings along the best riders from all over the world to ride crazy park setups they build. For the past couple years, a reoccurring one was a rail centric course at Banff Sunshine Village. Going by many names, Itcamefromthevillage, Dawnofthevillage, and this time a part of the space creators tour, Talesfromthevillage. One of the most incredible builds, hard to explain with words the art piece that this course is, the easiest way is with a photo gallery.
Thank you to the Snowboy Productions Team, Krush, Sunshine Village, SRD, Salomon, Skibig3 and everyone involved for making this happen! #Talesfromthevillage, #Snowboyproductions, #Spacecreators tour
Cori Stevens [o] Isami Kiyooka
Evan Riddell [o] Isami Kiyooka
Finn Pt.2 [o] Isami Kiyooka