Around the World is when we connect with riders from anywhere but Canada, pretty straight forward, but what isn’t so straight forward? Wild terrain, new styles, fresh faces. On this “Around the World” we’re catching up with Leon Vockensperger.

Hi Leon, please introduce yourself to our readers.
LV: My name is Leon Vockensperger and I’m from Rosenheim, Germany which is located in the State of Bavaria. I’m 20 years old and my sponsors are Burton, Anon, BlueTomato. When I’m not Snowboarding I try to spend as much time as possible on my Surfboard 🙂
Tell us about this clip, it’s sick.
LV: I went to France for a couple of days to snowboard in Les Deux Alpes. I met my friend Harry Winnard there who caught me a couple of times on cam and I made a small video out of it.
What else have you been up to?!
LV: I went to Sweden two days before everything shut down in Germany & Austria. The plan was to go there and visit a friend to shred with him for two weeks but since COVID-19 hit Germany when I was up in Sweden I decided to stay there until everything calmed down. We were able to shred Kläppen for 1 1/2 month and after it closed. My friend and I decided to film some slushy backcountry in his‚ backyard – the highlands. I stacked a couple of shots and made a video out of it which will be online in autumn.

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