In snowboarding we know him as Max Eberhardt, a podium snagging snowboarder from North Bay Ontario. Simultaneous to his snowboarding career, Max was fine-tuning his music based pursuits under the name Modmaxx. After a perspective-changing injury,...
Unmistakable style on and off a board. Kups has a memorable and distinct approach to life, riding, and his career as an artist that we admire. And that is exactly what landed him here, on a...
Say hello from our editor for a little light hearted post, hi Abby! Turns out isolation life has brought some of my otherwise summer shelved items out of the gear closet. Finding some...
Transit the movie is dropping in Fall 2020, this by the way of the title is in fact the teaser. And a tease it is. We can't wait to see the whole shebang in a few...
It's a group effort. Donate to watch. Teaser below. Send a screenshot of your donation for any amount to Group-Effort-donationsforBLM through the Venmo app, or donations made through the BLM website and send your screenshot to this...
Hey, you know Sean Pettit? That dude that's super good at skiing and snowboarding? Yeah, us too. He's not just rad at sliding on snow, he's also well-intentioned. Check out this raffle with a cause.