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SCOUTED: Toan Krauskopf

Scouted, it’s where we showcase talent that might be flying under your radar for no good reason. Instead of ream you...

19/20 EDIT: Luca Merimee

Say hi to Luca Merimee! We usually try and keep it Canadian here, but this charming French Rookie slid into our...

SCOUTED: Tosh Krauskopf

Scouted, it's where we showcase talent that might be flying under your radar for no good reason. Instead of ream you...

ART ATTACK: Lucas Beaufort

Lucas Beaufort laughs a lot via email, we like that about Lucas. He's also Canadian and has created a signature way...

PHOTOG: Jaysson Gallant

Only three years deep into his photo career and Jaysson Gallant is making a name for himself and the riders he...

ART ATTACK: Sean Lucey

Sean Lucey, known more for his impressive filming career in the snowboard industry has been dabbling in another artistic medium which...