That title sound a bit dramatic? Maybe, but it's got a lot of truth behind it. We're not talking about saving Snowboard Canada Magazine, we're talking about the industry as a whole. Our magazine is a...
The Vans Snow team got an update, meet the newest addition by the name of Kennedi Deck. FROM VANS: HI KENNEDI DECK! Vans Snow is proud to welcome Kennedi...
Say hi to Luca Merimee! We usually try and keep it Canadian here, but this charming French Rookie slid into our dm's and there's no denying this young gun has an impressive edit and style. Luca...
Scouted, it's where we showcase talent that might be flying under your radar for no good reason. Instead of ream you out for not knowing who these impressive up and comers are, we'll share a bit...
Only three years deep into his photo career and Jaysson Gallant is making a name for himself and the riders he shoots. Gawking at his photos is easy, and lucky for us, tracking him down during...
Levitation is a short film about snowboarding filmed in the Sea to Sky Coastal Mountain Range. FEATURING: Aiden Hryciw, Keenan Filmer, Geoff Brown, Will Kovacic, Brin James Alexander, Jack Dobson, Anthony Stefanizzi, Tyler...