Levitation is a short film about snowboarding filmed in the Sea to Sky Coastal Mountain Range.
FEATURING: Aiden Hryciw, Keenan Filmer, Geoff Brown, Will Kovacic, Brin James Alexander, Jack Dobson, Anthony Stefanizzi, Tyler...
Sean Lucey, known more for his impressive filming career in the snowboard industry has been dabbling in another artistic medium which has landed him here, on a Snowboard Canada art attack feature.
Coming at us from the East, HOMETOWN drops there first full edit as crew.
CREW: HOMETOWN. SQUAD: Max Rivard, Samuel Bergeron, Phil Tardif LOCATION: Victoriaville, Quebec, Quebec City, and...
Hey there, nice to meetcha Truth Smith! We caught up with Truth via the internet because he's been exploding our feed with radness and a new season edit to boot.
All the X Games Real Snow 2020 videos below. Watch, froth, vote!
FROM X GAMES: Real Series 2020, Real Snow, launched today with five never-before-seen urban-snowboarding video parts debuting on XGames.com. A full World of X Games episode will air...
Sick crew. Sick edit. Watch and read.
Bad Plans on film captured by Chris Baldry
Chris Baldry is a Canadian photographer...