Canadian snowboard athletes did us proud at the X Games 2020 in Norway. The impressive collection of Canadian athletes earned seven podium spots. Snowboard Big Air Men's division had a fully Canadian podium and Laurie Blouin holding...
Full transparency, I stole "Rona Szn" from Sam Tuff - that girl is crafty with her words and also hilarious - did you read her article in the newest mag?! Look, it's Sam...
Zachary Moxely is hosting a little something called the "Toby Miller & Epidemic Sound editing contest" with partners Epidemic Sound, Tropic Colour, Western Digital, and PolarPro. This us catching up with Zachary to find out...
Okay, but not really because Mike Stastook is not so great at sitting still. If you follow him on the gram you'll note he has been busy #stayinghome doing some #backyardboarding with his kiddos - talk...
In the “Whatcha Doing” series, we’re asking our favorite snowboarders what’s keeping them busy during isolation. On this “Whatcha Doing,” we catch up with North Face Athlete Taylor Godber. Hi Taylor! TAYLOR GODBER BIO
In the “Whatcha Doing” series, we’re asking our favorite snowboarders what’s keeping them busy during isolation. On this “Whatcha Doing,” we catch up with North Face Athlete Leanne Pelosi. Hi Leanne! LEANNE PELOSI BIO